Week of February 28, 2021

Saturday February 27th
4:00 pm † Intentions of the Parishioners

Sunday February 28th
9:00 am † For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 am † Intentions of the Presider

Monday March 1st
6:30 am † Albert and Dolores Anderson

Tuesday March 2nd
6:30 am Mark Baumeister and Family

Wednesday March 3rd
6:30 am David Belasi

Thursday March 4th
6:30 am † Joseph & Mary Garofalo

Friday March 5th
6:30 am† Mary Di Gregorio

Saturday March 6th
8:00 am † Harry Weckerly, Sr. 4th Anniversary

Remembering in our Prayers…
… all those who are sick … Mary Trauger, Loretta Boyle, Margaret DeLucas, James Dehan, Robert Farrell, Nina Ferraro, Teresa Riegal, Eric Bull, Bruce Seth, Vanessa Wismer and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.

… all those who are deceased … Tom Rufe, Ed Myers, & Elizabeth Savidge.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.