June 26, 2022
Meet the Implementation Team
The Envisioning Team has completed the first phase of the Next Generation Parish program by establishing our three parish priorities of Faith Formation, Outreach, and Stewardship. Now, we are excited to introduce our new Implementation Team, who will work together to lead the St. David community toward achieving our parish goals.
Mitch Nama and Meg Stelacio will oversee the priority of Faith Formation. Terri Rutherford and Skip Marlin will oversee the priority of Outreach. Chris Waltrich and Lori Dondero will oversee the priority of Stewardship. For a short introduction to each member of the implementation team, click HERE.
We strongly believe that our priorities -while unique- are connected, and will enable us to build a stronger St. David Parish community for many years to come. Throughout the summer months, we plan to provide our parishioners with additional details regarding our desired outcomes developed by the Envisioning Team, starting next week with Faith Formation.
July 3, 2022
As mentioned in our previous bulletin, this summer we will provide our parishioners with additional details regarding the execution of the Implementation Phase of our Next Generation Parish. Over the next few weeks, we will highlight desired outcomes for the Faith Formation priority that will be facilitated by Mitch Nama and Meg Stelacio.
Desired Outcome: Foster various opportunities for individuals at all stages of spiritual growth.
This desired outcome is influenced by the following Disciple Maker Index survey results indicating that while only 35% of responding parishioners practice Catholic devotions such as praying the Rosary and novenas, 67% would like to grow more in their faith.
July 10, 2022
Desired Outcome: To proclaim the opportunities to deepen our faith relationship with Christ
This desired outcome is influenced by the following Disciple Maker Index survey results indicating that while only 13% of responding parishioners are comfortable sharing their personal witness story and 35% pray with someone else regularly, 83% pray privately on a weekly basis.
July 17, 2022
Desired Outcome: An increased parish engagement measured through sacramental participation and DMI self-report.
The DMI survey data showed a notable desire of parishioners to strengthen and grow in their faith through sacramental participation. One way to encourage engagement in the sacraments is through the involvement in our parish faith formation groups.
July 24, 2022
Desired Outcome: To develop stronger collaboration and communication among various faith formation groups and parishioners.
A goal to achieve this desired outcome is to develop a new faith formation board composed of members from the various parish groups. This board will work to increase awareness of opportunities for parishioners to grow more deeply in their faith.
July 31, 2022
In the ongoing effort to provide our parishioners information regarding the Implementation Phase of our Next Generation Parish, we will highlight desired outcomes for the Outreach priority that will be facilitated by Terri Rutherford & Skip Marlin.
Desired Outcome: More parishioners will participate in service activities each year.
According to the Disciple Maker Index, only 26% of parishioners feel that Saint David helps them to connect with the local community by offering opportunities to serve those in need. One objective of the Outreach Priority is to develop a more coordinated service-oriented approach to support those facing personal challenges.
August 7, 2022
Desired Outcome: Increase parish’s visible presence to foster parish and community engagement.
The Disciple Maker Index survey results indicate that 44% of parishioner respondents agree that information regarding the parish is easily accessible. In response to this result, an objective of the Outreach Priority is to leverage the communication channels within the parish to create a culture of hospitality and to support those facing personal challenges.
August 14, 2022
Desired outcome: An outreach “umbrella” will coordinate parish service activity.
The Disciple Maker Index reported that just 30% of responding parishioners strongly agree that Saint David provides a community to support them and/or their family in times of need. Through a more coordinated outreach strategy, our parish has the opportunity to further leverage our various groups and ministries for the benefit of our parishioners and the surrounding community.
August 21, 2022
As we continue to keep our parishioners informed regarding the Implementation Phase of our Next Generation Parish, we will highlight desired outcomes for our last priority, Stewardship, that will be facilitated by Lori Dondero & Chris Waltrich.
Desired Outcome: Increase the financial support of the parish
The increasing financial requirements to support our parish are a challenging fiscal reality at a time where church attendance is declining. We are grateful that Sunday collections traditionally have been sufficient to support the operating expenses of the church. It is clear, however, that additional funds will be needed to support the development of new events, services, and outreach plans. This will ensure that St. David remains a strong and vibrant parish for the benefit of both our parishioners and those in our surrounding community.
August 28, 2022
Desired Outcome: Increase the number of parishioners participating in Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration is a time for private devotion and worship of Jesus Christ. This opportunity is currently available in our chapel three days a week. The results from the Disciple Maker Index showed that around 20% of respondents currently attend Eucharistic Adoration at least weekly. As Jesus is fully present in the Blessed Sacrament, we must have committed adorers throughout our scheduled times. We welcome additional parishioners to meet this need and support our goal of increasing participation in Eucharistic Adoration.
September 4, 2022
Desired Outcome: Increase the number of parishioners who are willing to share their time and talent with the parish community
St. David is blessed with a small number of devoted volunteers that share both their time and talent at numerous parish events for the benefit of fellow parishioners and the local community. More than 50% of individuals who took the Disciple Maker Index reported that they have never invited someone to a parish event. Extending an invitation to attend a Holy Hour, the pancake breakfast, or a Bible Study is one small ministry that each of us can do to help grow the St. David Parish community. We also continually look for volunteers passionate about St. David who are willing to take on a greater volunteer role to meet our current needs and develop new opportunities and events.
We look forward to providing regular updates on the progress of our Implementation Team throughout the Fall.