Saturday December 12th
Our Lady of Guadalupe
4:00 pm Intentions of the Parishioners
Sunday December 13th
3rd Sunday of Advent
9:00 am For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 am Intentions of the Presider
Monday December 14th
St. John of the Cross
6:30 am † Sean Cameron Hawley and † Christopher John Hawley
Tuesday December 15th
6:30 am † Agnes Drobins
Wednesday December 16th
6:30 am † Lorraine M. Hendricks
Thursday December 17th
6:30 am Linda Nichols
Friday December 18th
6:30 am † Elizabeth Lodge
Saturday December 19th
8:00 am Intentions of the Lalli Family
Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions
We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the Intentions of Saint David Parishioners.
Intentions of the Lalli Family
Sun., Dec. 20th @ 9 AM to Sat., Dec. 19th @ 9 AM
Deceased Members of the Brown & Casey Family
Sun., Dec. 20th @ 11:30 AM to Mon., Dec. 21st @ 6:30 AM
Remembering in our Prayers…
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Mary Trauger, Loretta Boyle, Al Messina, Mike Dunn, Edward Pulaski, Margaret DeLucas, James Dehan, Robert Farrell, Nina Ferraro, Robert Farrell and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.
… all those who are deceased … Susan Freda.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.