Week of April 25, 2021

Saturday April 24th
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
4:00 pm † Intentions of the Parishioners

Sunday April 25th
9:00 am For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 am † Intentions of the Presider

Monday April 26th
6:30 am † George Smith

Tuesday April 27th
6:30 am † Mary Kies

Wednesday April 28th
St. Peter Chanel & St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
6:30 am † Jack Poole

Thursday April 29th
St. Catherine of Siena
6:30 am † Dorothy Ross

Friday April 30th
St. Pius V
6:30 am Marisa Buccini

Saturday May 1st
St. Joseph the Worker
8:00 am † Mary Flaherty

Remembering in our Prayers…
… all those who are sick … Mary Trauger, Loretta Boyle, Margaret DeLucas, James Dehan, Nina Ferraro, Teresa Riegal, Eric Bull, Bruce Seth, Vanessa Wismer, Adeline Buccini, Adriana Sproehnle, Karen Dale, Mike Dunn, Robert Farrell, Frank Fierraro and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.

… all those who are deceased …

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.