Peace be with you!
These words that Jesus said to His disciples on “the evening of that first day of the week,” remind us that He offers each of us this precious gift of peace. It was at this first encounter after His Resurrection that He calms their fears and strengthens their faith. He assists them to see, not with human eyes alone, but with eyes of faith, so that they may experience Peace.
Throughout our lives we experience “firsts”. Events like, a child’s first step or first words; the soft touch of a newborn child’s face; the first day of school; First Communion; embarking upon a new career; a teenager driving the family car without the need of another licensed driver; or any other number of firsts in our lives. When “firsts” occur, we often begin to view things from a different perspective – almost like seeing things with new eyes. Although not always mindful of the impact of these experiences, they often bring much joy.
These days of Easter are a time for us to see with new eyes – eyes enlightened by our experience of the Resurrection, enlightened by the outpouring of God’s Love, enlightened by the gift of peace offered to Jesus’ disciples and offered to each of us. With renewed vision, filled with faith, we leave behind our old ways of thinking. We confidently approach each situation in our lives with hope. We look at one another and realize that each of us is part of the Body of Christ, and we try to grasp the immensity of God’s love for us.
During this Easter season, our readings recall the first encounters of the disciples with the Risen Jesus. The initial response of the disciples is that of disbelief and fear – they aren’t sure if their eyes are deceiving them; they ask themselves could it be Him. Jesus, knowing their uncertainty, offers to them the assurance that it is He who is present to them. Their fear and doubt were replaced by joy and peace. Through their experience of the Risen Christ they were able to see things in a new light and confidently share the news of Jesus’ Resurrection.
We, too, encounter the Risen Christ in many ways. May our encounters with the Risen Christ help us to see with eyes of faith; giving us true joy and lasting peace.
Recently some of our young members received their First Communion. May this first encounter with Christ strengthen them for the days ahead and all throughout their lives. And may each of us be renewed in our devotion, love and respect for Jesus the Bread of Life and the peace that He offers.
Peace be with you,
Father Kennedy