Spiritual Reflection 3/3/2024

Christian Initiation of Adults or CIA (formerly known as RCIA) is a process initiated and sustained by the Holy Spirit through which the non-baptized may believe, be freely converted to the Lord and receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Likewise, those baptized in another Christian Religion or as infants, who did not receive further catechetical formation may choose to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Catholics who seek to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and those who desire to strengthen their understanding of the truths of the Catholic Faith and deepen their relationship with the Lord are also most welcome to participate in CIA! 

The non-baptized or inquirers have opened their hearts to the Holy Spirit and enter a period of evangelization, which is usually about a year, but can be longer. During this time, he/she is introduced to Gospel values and the person of Jesus Christ. After the initial period of catechesis, the inquirer can freely choose to participate in the Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Sending to the Cathedral. Our Pastor, Fr. Matthew Windle, accepted all five of our inquirers into the Catechumenate and also presided at their Rite of Sending. On the Vigil of the First Sunday of Lent, our Catechumens and their Godparents traveled to the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, where Archbishop Nelson Perez formally ratified their readiness for the reception of the three Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Now called the Elect, they are in the period of Purification and Enlightenment throughout Lent. It is a time of reflection, intensely centered on conversion, marked by the Scrutinies which begin today on the third Sunday of Lent and will take place on the fourth and fifth Sundays also. At the beginning of each scrutiny, the celebrant asks the assembly of the faithful to pray that the Elect are given a spirit of repentance, a sense of sin and the true freedom of the children of God. They are being spiritually prepared for the joyful celebration of the Easter Vigil, where they will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist and become full members of the Catholic Church. Throughout the Easter Season and beyond, the newly initiated will participate in the period of Postbaptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy, where they will continue their growth in the Catholic Faith and participate fully with the faithful in the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration.

Our six Candidates were baptized in another Christian Religion and thus were already members of the Church and children of God. However, they had not yet heard the message of the mystery of Christ and needed the same catechesis as the Catechumens. They freely chose to participate in the Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Sending to the Cathedral for Recognition by the Archbishop and the Rite of Continuing Conversion. Last Sunday, Fr. Paul Kennedy celebrated the Penitential Rite to mark their Lenten purification and to prepare them for the reception of the Sacrament of Penance. Along with the Candidates, their Sponsors and the entire liturgical assembly participated in the celebration of the Penitential Rite, which Father adapted to benefit all. At the Easter Vigil, our Candidates will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the reception of Confirmation and Eucharist. They will continue their spiritual formation throughout the period of Mystagogy.

Our Candidate for the Sacrament of Confirmation and our six fully initiated Catholic participants were fully engaged in the Catechetical sessions and Liturgical Celebrations. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, their understanding of the truths of our Faith was increased and their loving relationship with the Lord Jesus, Mary and the Saints was deepened. Their fervent participation in Mystagogy will bear much fruit in their spiritual lives.

Is the HOLY SPIRIT inspiring you to attend CIA to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation and/or to deepen your relationship with the Lord Jesus and grow stronger in your Catholic Faith?