Spiritual Reflection 8/25/2024

For the past couple of weeks, we have been reading from the Gospel of John and the Bread of Life discourse. This is very timely since the Catholic Church in the United States participated in the National Eucharistic Congress this summer in Indianapolis. Over 60,000 people gathered in that city to adore and learn more about Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Congress was 5 days of joy, excitement, energy, while at the same time, being prayerful, respectful, and inspiring! The Congress truly represented people from all walks of life who practice the Catholic Faith! Every “type” of Catholic was there, from single young adults, couples with no children, small families, large families, older men and women, religious men and women, seminarians, priests, and bishops! Everyone came together with one focus in mind ~ the Eucharist!

We participated in Daily Mass, Adoration, Rosary, along with talks from every expert in the Catholic Faith! Families could go to sessions that helped them in their unique walk with the Lord. The youth had sessions where they could learn more about the Eucharist, their Faith, and their building their relationship with Jesus Christ and more. Men and women who serve the Church as youth ministers, young adult leaders, DREs, CREs, pastoral associates, etc… could go to sessions that renewed and strengthened them in their ministries. Seminarians, Priests, and Bishops had sessions specifically for them. There was so much to offer each person no matter where they were in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

With all that excitement and joy, think about what would have happened (or not happened) if each person at the Congress responded to Jesus the way that some of the disciples responded in today’s Gospel. “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” Jesus was excited to share His Body and Blood with those gathered because that is what they really needed! They didn’t need bread that would perish! They needed Bread that would live forever!

The Congress was amazing! It will take me time to digest all that I was blessed to experience and learn! But it was difficult too! It was difficult for families to go to the Congress. It was a significant financial burden to go the Congress. There are many good and valid reasons why many people could not go! But think about how quickly we say, “This is too hard.” “This just can’t be done.” The Lord never said it wouldn’t be hard. He said that He would be with us through everything! Let us take time this week to reflect on how we respond to what Jesus is calling us to do. Do we focus on what is in the way and not possible? Or do we see the potential and/or choose to think positively about what the Lord is asking of us?

Remember: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me!” (Philippians 4:13) The Eucharist is the source and summit! He is the wind in our sails and not the waves pushing us down! With Christ, we can do this!

Spiritual Reflection 8/18/2024

I recently re-read a small collection of reflections that someone had shared with me a few years ago.  These were some of the short statements that were cause for reflection for me.  I share them with you; perhaps one or more of the following will be a cause of reflection for you!

Salvation is what we receive, not what we achieve!
Can I allow myself to receive from the Lord, rather than show Him what I can achieve?

May we live simply so that others may simply live!
Are there “things” in my life that I have a difficult time admitting I don’t need?

Instead of counting your days, make your days count!
How well am I using the 1440 minutes of the day?

Never underestimate the impact one life can have on another!
Am I aware of the good that each person brings to my life?

You are important to God, whether you think so or not!
Do I believe God sees me as His beloved child?

You don’t become a missionary by crossing the sea, but by seeing the cross!
What are the crosses in my life that God helps me to carry?

Have your tools ready and God will provide the work!
Is there a particular work that God is asking of me today?

God promised a safe landing, not smooth sailing!
In the midst of difficulty, do I trust in God’s providence?

Don’t make prayer a monologue, but rather a conversation!
How well do I listen to the Lord, as He speaks to my heart?

If you do your very best, God is sure to do the rest!
Have I really done my best or been satisfied with doing just OK?

Courage is fear that has said its prayers!
How courageous have I been?

If you think meek is weak, try being meek for a week!
Can I be meek and humble for just today?

God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we can hear twice as much as we say!
When was the last time I listened to someone . . . really listened?

Eternity is a long time to think about what you should have done!
What should I do today that I have been avoiding for too long?

Give your troubles to God, He’s up all night anyway!
Can I offer my cares to the Lord, relying solely upon His love for me?

Have a great week and God Bless you,
Father Kennedy

Spiritual Reflection 8/11/2024

One and True King

I do not know if you have been paying attention to current events, but we have a presidential election happening this year. Of course, I am saying that in jest because who would not know that.  There is so much noise going on over it and emotions are very high. No matter the outcome of this election there will be some very unhappy people when it is completed.  Almost half of our beloved country will feel devastated by the results.  Although I would never tell you who to vote for, as your Deacon, I ask for you to make an informed and prayerful decision when you cast your vote.  Remember again that as happy or unhappy as you are about the results, there will be people on the other side of the spectrum from you with their feelings. Be aware and consider that and remember that we are all sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.

But most of all I would like you to remember something God our Father told us in Psalm 146:

Do not put your trust in princes,
    in human beings, who cannot save.

When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
    on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the
Lord their God.

This so very important to remember and this warning was also made in 1 Samuel when the Israelites were asking for a King.  God told Samuel to “…listen to them; but at the same time, give them a solemn warning and inform them of the rights of the king who will rule them.”  Samuel gave the people an entire litany of what an earthly king would impose on them.  This king could not offer what God could offer as their true King.  Our one and true happiness will come from our meeting face to face with our God and there is only one person who can offer us that opportunity.

Redemption will not come from anything any political candidate is offering. Salvation will not even come from the success of the United States. Our eternal life and happiness will only come when we put our faith and trust in our one and true king, Jesus Christ.  He is always waiting for you to cast a vote for Him.  He is the King that will lead us to the Father. 

May Jesus live in your hearts forever.
Deacon Chris

Spiritual Reflection 8/4/2024

I want to share a story about a man who committed a serious crime. He was sent to the king for his punishment. The king told him that he had a choice of two punishments: he could be sent to prison for 40 years or accept what’s behind the big, dark, scary, iron door. The criminal quickly decided on prison. As he was walked off to prison, he turned to the king and asked, “By the way, out of curiosity, what’s behind that door?” The king laughed and said, “You know, it’s funny. I offer everyone the same choice, and nearly everyone picks prison.” But the criminal said again, “Well, tell me now since I can’t choose differently. What’s behind the door?” The king paused and then answered, “Freedom, but it seems most people are so afraid of the unknown that they immediately choose prison.”

In our sins, in our faults, and in our weaknesses, which door do we allow our minds and hearts to walk towards – strict justice for ourselves or the undeserved, maybe unfamiliar, gift of Love and Mercy of Jesus?  A great example of this is the series, The Chosen (and I cannot recommend this series enough). It’s about Jesus’ life and the lives of his disciples and it does a great job of bringing Jesus to life in our world today. There is one particular scene about Mary Magdalene that stands out when I think about choices and prisons.  We see that she was living a very sinful life and no one could help her out of it.  It was so bad that demons were tormenting her, but then something happens – the tormenting stops and she is free.  As she is trying to explain her freedom to someone, she simply says, “I was one way and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between…was Him.

 Mary Magdalene had an encounter with Christ. For us, it is always about an encounter with Christ. It is in this encounter of love that we want to repent to be better, not out of fear of hell, but because of Him. For me, this deep feeling to want to repent and change my life was when Christ called me to priesthood. I was once one way, but now I am completely different – ever since taking His call seriously back in 2005.  But with that being said, I am still bumbling and stumbling along on this journey knowing that I am a sinner in need of a savior. 

Christ wants this personal encounter for everyone and as much as we love this world and the joys that this world can bring, we know that this world is passing. Our job is to be witnesses walking together in faith as prisoners of Christ and helping others to choose the door of Christ. If we can learn how to be a prisoner of Christ, more and more people will know through our witness that we were once one way, but now are on fire with love because of Him. In our time when there so many choices, so many doors to choose from, let us pray us pray each day that the door we choose is always the one that leads to Him!

Spiritual Reflection 7/7/2024

God’s Presence

         I was finishing work one day in a trailer at one of the refineries, changing my boots and cleaning up, when one of my co-workers came up to me and asked if he could talk to me for a minute.  It seems his family was going through a difficult time, and he needed to vent and wanted me to pray for him and his family.  He told me the reason he was coming to me was that he knew that I had a relationship with God and that God would hear my prayer before He would hear his.  I told him I would absolutely pray for him, but a prayer from him would carry the same weight as a prayer from me. I continued to tell him the only difference in our prayer is that I recognize that I have a relationship with God. You have that same relationship.  In fact, I think God would love to hear from you more than from me over your situation. God was present to him as much as he was present to me.  We don’t pray to make God present to us. God is already present, always present – everywhere. We pray to make ourselves present to God. This is the secret to prayer.

Jesus was always pointing to the relational nature of everything He did. When He did a miracle, He would say “your faith has saved you.”  Recognizing that Christ is always with us allows Him to work within our lives.  Faith is the first ingredient of that relationship.  Faith is the rich soil that lets God be planted in and flourish within our lives.  Without faith we are not giving God a place to plant His seeds. 

Saint Augustine wrestled with this very topic.  Saint Augustine had been searching for love and God. Eventually he found them in the most unexpected of all places, inside of himself. He said, “In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things that you created. You were with me, but I was not with you.” (Confessions 10:27)  Saint Augustine realized through faith that Christ was always working in his life. Always present.

At the beginning of each class at LaSalle High, the students start with a prayer and each time they pray, it always begins with, “Let us remember we are always in the presence of God.” Indeed, miracles are always present within our lives. Are we ready to have such faith?

May Jesus live in our hearts forever.
Deacon Chris

Spiritual Reflection 6/9/2024

“We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.” -Acts 5:32

While growing up, many of my days were filled with playing sports of all types…sometimes on organized teams in the community and other times in “pick up” games in the neighborhood.   As we would organize for those games in the neighborhood, the two “captains” would carefully begin to choose the members of their team, while the rest of us stood waiting for our name to be called.  I can remember hoping that I wouldn’t be the last chosen; seen as the least valuable player for a team. 

Many of us may recall events in our lives when we waited to be chosen, perhaps it be after an audition for a play or interview for a new job; it might be a letter of acceptance to the college of our choice or to become part of a new organization.  Too often we place so much emphasis on being chosen that it defines our life’s worth. 

In many places in the Sacred Scriptures, we are reminded of the marvelous gift of God, calling us to be His own people.  As His chosen children we have been called to fulfill the mission which He has set for us.  It may take us a lifetime or longer to understand, but even in our imperfection, in our limitations and shortcomings, in our unworthiness, God has created us to do Him some service.  From the moment of our being created in His image we are given our worth, and from the moment of our baptism we begin to seek that mission He has in store for us.  The world might not choose us, but God has chosen us.

Remember that you have been chosen by God, called out of darkness into His marvelous light, to fulfill a purpose which God himself has set before the foundation of the world.  You have a purpose for which God has called you.

The following prayer of Saint John Henry Newman reflects our purpose … 

God created me
to do Him some definite service;
He has committed some work to me
which He has not committed to another.
I have my mission –
I may never know it in this life,
but I shall be told it in the next…
Therefore, I will trust Him…
If I am in sickness,
my sickness may serve Him;
in perplexity,
my perplexity may serve Him;
if I am in sorrow,
my sorrow may serve Him…
He does nothing in vain;
He may prolong my life,
He may shorten it,
He knows what He is about.

-Fr. Kennedy

Spiritual Reflection 5/26/204

A few years ago, I was reading the paper and I saw a section titled in big bold letters “He Did it His Way”. The article was about a talk show host that retired and how he was so successful through the years because He did it His own way. As Catholics, we are challenged in this because worldly success doesn’t always match up with Christian Success.  

One can be successful in the eyes of the secular world by relying on oneself.  And one can be seen as unsuccessful in the world by relying on God. Though we may tend to rely on ourselves – have we ever thought of what life would be like if we didn’t have to? What if we had a source that we could tap into, a power that slowly transforms us into the person that we are truly meant to be?

In the Gospel today, we are reminded that we do have this power source.  The Holy Spirit. The bond of love between God the Father and God the Son.  He is their gift to us. The Holy Spirit gives us new life, new power.  All of us who have been baptized and confirmed have received the fullness of grace of the Holy Spirit, but sometimes we don’t know this.

There is an old analogy about receiving the Holy Spirit, but not knowing it. It is like we have a glass of milk and we want to make chocolate milk. What do we do? We take chocolate syrup and squeeze and squeeze it into the milk.  After that, we may have an inch of chocolate at the bottom of the glass. So, what is it now? It is white milk with chocolate just sitting on the bottom. When we were baptized and confirmed, God filled us and poured into us His Holy Spirit, but sometimes that Spirit just sits there.  We may not have allowed ourselves to be stirred up into a flame. Like what we have to do to make chocolate milk – we have to stir it up.

So how do we allow God to stir up the Spirit in our lives? The only true way we can do this and engage in this new life is by surrendering ourselves to the Holy Spirit. It is both as simple and as difficult as that. Every day we need to pray to the Holy Spirit, “I will do whatever you want” and mean it, or “Send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.

But Surrendering to the Holy Spirit is frightening, because it means giving up control. It means doing things even though we can’t connect all of the dots at first. It means being vulnerable and it is tough to be vulnerable. But when we learn to surrender, there will be opportunities that He will give us over and over again in our lives.  Opportunities that give us chances to rely on Him.  And the more we engage in those opportunities, the more we will know that they are from God and that He is doing the heavy lifting. Then we will have more confidence in Him.  We will start to learn how trustworthy and how loving He is. So, our challenge is to let the Holy Spirit be stirred into us, and to pray for this each day.

And then – our job is to get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit use us to bring people to Himself. And when we do that, people will see us on fire knowing that we are doing it His way!!!

Spiritual Reflection 5/19/2024

As we celebrate Pentecost during this year of Eucharistic Revival, we praise and thank God for the power of His Holy Spirit manifested in all of the sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist. In the holy sacrifice of the Mass the Lord Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist as nourishment for our pilgrim journey and as a pledge of eternal life. Before the words of consecration are spoken, the priest proclaims the prayer of epiclesis (from the ancient Greek meaning “calling down from on high” or “invocation”). The epiclesis is essential to the Eucharistic sacrifice because it is the calling down of the Holy Spirit upon the simple gifts of bread and wine so that they can be transformed. Through the words, “This is My Body” and “This is My Blood” the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. 

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “It is by the conversion of the bread and wine into Christ’s body and blood that Christ becomes present in this sacrament. The Church Fathers strongly affirmed the faith of the Church in the efficacy of the Word of Christ and the action of the Holy Spirit to bring about this conversion” (n. 1375). 

The priest implores the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine, to transform these simple elements into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. As revealed in Sacred Scripture, the work of the Holy Spirit is to give new life by way of transformation, true change, and conversion.

The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit is received at Baptism giving each person a share in the divine life. In Confirmation, one is strengthened and sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. In both Baptism and Confirmation, a person is truly changed and transformed by the Holy Spirit and by the sacramental grace bestowed upon the one receiving the sacrament.

The Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles at Pentecost. After receiving the Holy Spirit, they were changed and transformed. No longer were they afraid! Filled with the Holy Spirit, they had the courage to preach the Gospel to all nations, to carry out the works of Jesus Christ and to reconcile sinners.

The prayer of epiclesis and the prayer of consecration are an immersion into the life and love of the Blessed Trinity. The Son freely and willingly offered himself to the Father on the cross for our salvation. The Father and the Son sent the Spirit so that we would never be abandoned.

We participate in Mass to give glory to God, to worship and praise the Blessed Trinity, and to be sanctified. Never should it happen that we participate in Mass and remain unchanged. Receiving the proclaimed Word of God into our hearts and receiving Holy Communion into our very body – how can we not be changed in some way through our participation at Mass? This is a work of the Holy Spirit – to change us; to transform us; to give us life.

Let us lift up our minds and hearts to the Lord at Mass and call down the Holy Spirit in the many ordinary moments of our daily lives, so that we can be changed and transformed and, with the help of God’s grace, become saints.

May God love and bless you!
Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM

Spiritual Reflection 5/5/2024

Peace be with you!

These words that Jesus said to His disciples on “the evening of that first day of the week,” remind us that He offers each of us this precious gift of peace. It was at this first encounter after His Resurrection that He calms their fears and strengthens their faith.  He assists them to see, not with human eyes alone, but with eyes of faith, so that they may experience Peace.

Throughout our lives we experience “firsts”. Events like, a child’s first step or first words; the soft touch of a newborn child’s face; the first day of school; First Communion; embarking upon a new career; a teenager driving the family car without the need of another licensed driver; or any other number of firsts in our lives.  When “firsts” occur, we often begin to view things from a different perspective – almost like seeing things with new eyes.  Although not always mindful of the impact of these experiences, they often bring much joy.

These days of Easter are a time for us to see with new eyes – eyes enlightened by our experience of the Resurrection, enlightened by the outpouring of God’s Love, enlightened by the gift of peace offered to Jesus’ disciples and offered to each of us.  With renewed vision, filled with faith, we leave behind our old ways of thinking.  We confidently approach each situation in our lives with hope.  We look at one another and realize that each of us is part of the Body of Christ, and we try to grasp the immensity of God’s love for us.

During this Easter season, our readings recall the first encounters of the disciples with the Risen Jesus.  The initial response of the disciples is that of disbelief and fear – they aren’t sure if their eyes are deceiving them; they ask themselves could it be Him.  Jesus, knowing their uncertainty, offers to them the assurance that it is He who is present to them.  Their fear and doubt were replaced by joy and peace.  Through their experience of the Risen Christ they were able to see things in a new light and confidently share the news of Jesus’ Resurrection.

We, too, encounter the Risen Christ in many ways.  May our encounters with the Risen Christ help us to see with eyes of faith; giving us true joy and lasting peace.

Recently some of our young members received their First Communion.  May this first encounter with Christ strengthen them for the days ahead and all throughout their lives. And may each of us be renewed in our devotion, love and respect for Jesus the Bread of Life and the peace that He offers.

Peace be with you,
Father Kennedy

Spiritual Reflection 4/28/2024

The famous sculptor Michelangelo once said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”  He believed that the creation of the statue was already there and he confirmed this when asked about his famous statue of David. He said, “I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David.” 

Very similar to Michelangelo’s David, we all are a block of stone in the hands of the Divine Sculptor, our Heavenly Father.  He has a vision of who He created us to be and works unceasingly to remove all the parts of the block that are not in His vision.  The only difference between the block of stone and us is that the stone did not choose to become the statue of David, but God needs us to ask Him, to let Him work in our lives so that we can become that piece of divine artwork we are all called to be.  He even sent an example of what we were meant to be if we allow Him to sculpt us.  We would be shining examples of His Son, Jesus Christ.

When our parents in the Garden brought sin into the world, we began corrupting the beautiful creation we were meant to be.  We collect debris and burdens which begin to block and hide who we are.  This debris could be fear, anxiety, jealousy – basically all the things that come with sin.  They become rock-hard on us and we are unable to remove them by ourselves. In fact, they become so attached to us that it can be very painful to remove, so we may decide to just live with such burdens.  It can also be painful to have them removed since we hang on so tightly to them.

So God sends His only Son to not only help us remove these burdens, but He asks us to allow Him to carry them for us.  He takes all of our debris and destroys it.  By allowing Christ to do this for us, we become again the vision of creation that we were always meant to be.  By putting our trust in Jesus, we become that divine piece of artwork and when we are seen by the rest of the world, we glorify our Divine Sculptor again, our Father in Heaven.

May Jesus live in our hearts forever.
Deacon Chris

Spiritual Reflection 3/10/2024

The first reading is a striking one this week!  The Lord has tried very hard to reach the Israelite people!  The Lord sent many messengers to His people in order to turn their hearts back to Him and His laws. The Israelites would not listen! 

How often do people try to reach us and we simply won’t listen? There are many people in our lives that try to guide, direct and support us. We have coaches, friends, teachers, parents, priests, sisters, and even siblings try to give us direction! This made me think of Queen of Angels very especially. Last week, we took our standardized testing. Students are given plenty of time to go over each question or problem.  Students are encouraged to go back over their work or use scratch paper to complete problems. Many students listen to the advice or guidance given. Many students work very hard and are very diligent! As with anything, we have a few students that don’t take advantage of those supports.  Like the Israelite people, a few students don’t take the hints or guidance.  It can be hard to take that coaching.

During this week, let us take a step back and reflect on our own lives. Do I take coaching, guidance, and/or criticism well?  If this coaching, guidance, and/or criticism is coming from a person who loves us and cares for us, we should pause and take their words seriously. Who is that person in our life that we trust to guide us to a deeper relationship with Jesus? Like the Israelites, is the Lord sending us a messenger or message to turn our hearts? 

We have about three weeks of Lent left.  There is still time to change our actions, thoughts, and (most importantly) hearts to our Lord!  Let us take advantage of the time remaining!

Spiritual Reflection 3/3/2024

Christian Initiation of Adults or CIA (formerly known as RCIA) is a process initiated and sustained by the Holy Spirit through which the non-baptized may believe, be freely converted to the Lord and receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Likewise, those baptized in another Christian Religion or as infants, who did not receive further catechetical formation may choose to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Catholics who seek to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and those who desire to strengthen their understanding of the truths of the Catholic Faith and deepen their relationship with the Lord are also most welcome to participate in CIA! 

The non-baptized or inquirers have opened their hearts to the Holy Spirit and enter a period of evangelization, which is usually about a year, but can be longer. During this time, he/she is introduced to Gospel values and the person of Jesus Christ. After the initial period of catechesis, the inquirer can freely choose to participate in the Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Sending to the Cathedral. Our Pastor, Fr. Matthew Windle, accepted all five of our inquirers into the Catechumenate and also presided at their Rite of Sending. On the Vigil of the First Sunday of Lent, our Catechumens and their Godparents traveled to the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, where Archbishop Nelson Perez formally ratified their readiness for the reception of the three Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Now called the Elect, they are in the period of Purification and Enlightenment throughout Lent. It is a time of reflection, intensely centered on conversion, marked by the Scrutinies which begin today on the third Sunday of Lent and will take place on the fourth and fifth Sundays also. At the beginning of each scrutiny, the celebrant asks the assembly of the faithful to pray that the Elect are given a spirit of repentance, a sense of sin and the true freedom of the children of God. They are being spiritually prepared for the joyful celebration of the Easter Vigil, where they will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist and become full members of the Catholic Church. Throughout the Easter Season and beyond, the newly initiated will participate in the period of Postbaptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy, where they will continue their growth in the Catholic Faith and participate fully with the faithful in the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration.

Our six Candidates were baptized in another Christian Religion and thus were already members of the Church and children of God. However, they had not yet heard the message of the mystery of Christ and needed the same catechesis as the Catechumens. They freely chose to participate in the Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Sending to the Cathedral for Recognition by the Archbishop and the Rite of Continuing Conversion. Last Sunday, Fr. Paul Kennedy celebrated the Penitential Rite to mark their Lenten purification and to prepare them for the reception of the Sacrament of Penance. Along with the Candidates, their Sponsors and the entire liturgical assembly participated in the celebration of the Penitential Rite, which Father adapted to benefit all. At the Easter Vigil, our Candidates will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the reception of Confirmation and Eucharist. They will continue their spiritual formation throughout the period of Mystagogy.

Our Candidate for the Sacrament of Confirmation and our six fully initiated Catholic participants were fully engaged in the Catechetical sessions and Liturgical Celebrations. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, their understanding of the truths of our Faith was increased and their loving relationship with the Lord Jesus, Mary and the Saints was deepened. Their fervent participation in Mystagogy will bear much fruit in their spiritual lives.

Is the HOLY SPIRIT inspiring you to attend CIA to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation and/or to deepen your relationship with the Lord Jesus and grow stronger in your Catholic Faith?

Spiritual Reflection 2/25/2024

We can often feel intimidated by the lives of the saints, especially their prayer lives. They appear to be “giants” in the spiritual life and we may think to ourselves that we could never be like them.

The good news is that saints were, in many ways, just like us and many of them didn’t pray grandiose prayers. Often the greatest saints led simple prayer lives.

Take, for example, St. Catherine Laboure who received the Miraculous Medal. While she was granted an extraordinary vision of the Virgin Mary, she describes her own prayer life in simple terms.

“Whenever I go to the chapel, I put myself in the presence of our good Lord, and I say to him, Lord I am here. Tell me what you would have me to do. If he gives me some task, I am content and I thank him. If he gives me nothing, I still thank him since I do not deserve to receive anything more than that.

And then, I tell God everything that is in my heart. I tell him about my pains and joys, and then I listen. If you listen, God will also speak to you, for with the good Lord, you have to both speak and listen. God always speaks to you when you approach him plainly and simply.” How simple is that!

God desires a “contrite heart” above all things and favors a fervent prayer of the heart, however simple it may be. Cultivating a “contrite heart” is a main theme of the Lenten Season. Through Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity we draw closer to the Lord Jesus who suffered and died for our salvation.

The next time you sit down to pray, consider following St. Catherine Laboure’s example, not overcomplicating things and putting yourself into the hands of God.

You never know what might happen when you pray like a saint!

God Bless you,
Father Kennedy

Spiritual Reflection 2/18/2024

The Wilderness

A very, very long time ago back when I was still scouting, I earned the merit badge of Wilderness Survival. I trained for about a week learning the skills that I would need if I ever found myself in the wilderness without any food or shelter. I was taught how to make a shelter, how to find food, and make a fire – all with limited resources. I was taught the importance of hygiene, avoiding injuries, and many other things that I could possibly face while in the wilderness. As is the Boy Scout way, I was taught to be prepared to tackle any task or obstacle that may arise. After a week of training, I was teamed up with another boy and I had to go out to the woods and stay for two days and two nights with only a knife and a fire-starting kit. I earned the merit badge, but I will tell you that I went home hungry and cold. My success only came from the training that I received. The preparation for the task was actually more important than the task itself. 

During Lent, we are asked to walk out into the wilderness with Christ. It is through our own preparation that we will be successful for the next 40 days and ready for the Kingdom of God.

The Holy Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert. We now see the very same Spirit who gave life to Jesus in Mary and who descended upon Jesus in His baptism, driving Jesus into the desert to be tempted by Satan and surrounded by beasts for 40 days. It is that same Spirit that drives us out into the wilderness of Lent. 

Jesus’ experience with the “wilderness” and “beasts” is a metaphor for the chaos and obstacles that impede us as we stumble through life, bearing our burdens. It is during Lent that we are called to remember scripture and prayer to get us through. We know this to be true because this is the very thing that Christ did during his time in the wilderness.

Lent is not meant to be easy. It is meant to temper and strengthen us in our faith. Lent prepares us for the very proclamation the world has been waiting for and fulfilled through Christ Himself.

The Kingdom of God is here!

May Jesus live in our hearts forever!

Deacon Chris

Spiritual Reflection 2/11/2024

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” ~ Proverbs 29:18

Every day we are journeying one step closer to our eternal home and each day gives us opportunities to discover, learn, and enter into fruitful relationships with God and with one another. Every day gives us opportunities to take chances on people and help encourage each other to build up Faith, Hope, and Love.  Every day brings endless situations that challenge us. Sometimes these challenges can be exciting. Sometimes these challenges can be grueling. Sometimes these challenges can be outright agonizing.  It is in these moments that we realize we cannot do it alone.

As humans, we thrive more fully when we rely on God and others in life.  We all need the friendly hand, the person who laughs with us and cries with us.  We need the unassuming presence of someone who tells us I am and I’ve got you. I am your friend, colleague, brother, sister, neighbor, mentor, husband, or wife. I am and I’ve got you!

Those are humbling words that were spoken to Moses in the Burning Bush.  Those words scared Moses and those words may scare us. We may say to ourselves, who am I or who are they to act that way? How can we be Christ-like to someone? Where does this confidence come from? The confidence to be Christ-like isn’t from what we have done for ourselves. It is because of what God has done in us, through us, and despite us at our Baptism.

Through God’s Son’s sacrifice on the cross, through His saving act, it has changed us forever. We are being transformed to become the non-burning bush in this world.  We become God’s hands and feet on this earth. We are called to help others as Moses did with the people of Israel.  He was asked to help them discern how to confront their difficult situation of slavery.

Moses was called to help launch the Israelites onto a journey that would define them forever. We are called on this journey out of slavery of sin. There will be challenges, but as Jesus tells us always, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” This is our Lord telling us “I am and I’ve got you.” So, if we struggle daily to do what is morally right even when those around us take shortcuts, then go to Jesus. If we are burdened with patterns of sin and weaknesses of character that affect our vocation as a spouse, a parent, a friend, a Christian…, then go to Jesus. If life seems unfair and God seems distant at best, then go to Jesus.

We are on this journey of life together for a reason, in this parish together for a reason.  As a faith-filled community connected by our love for Jesus, we look to the words of Pope Benedict to help define the vision for St. David Parish: 

 “Knowing Jesus is the best gift that any person can receive; that we have encountered him is the best thing that has happened in our lives, and making him known by our word and deeds is our joy.

We need to remember these words as they will continue provide us our guiding light as we move forward towards Lent and the future relationship with God and each other. We are all called to humbly accept the helping hand of those around us who offer to us the I am and I’ve got you people of God. We are also called to take chances on people and to offer that same act to others when it is needed.

Spiritual Reflection 2/4/2024

The Gospel today which is a continuation of last Sunday’s Gospel, presents to us Jesus who, after preaching on the Sabbath in the synagogue of Capernaum, heals many sick people, beginning with Simon’s mother-in-law. Upon entering Simon’s house, he finds her lying in bed with a fever and, by taking her hand, immediately heals her and has her get up. After sunset, he heals a multitude of people afflicted with ailments of every kind. Since healing the sick occupied a large part of Christs’ public mission, it invites us to reflect on the meaning and value of illness, in every human situation. This opportunity is also offered to us each year on the World Day of the Sick which is celebrated on February 11.

Despite the fact that illness is part of the human experience, we do not succeed in becoming accustomed to it, not only because it is burdensome and sometimes painful, but also because we are made for life, for a full life. We rightly think of God as fullness of life indeed, as eternal and perfect life. When we are tried by evil and our prayers seem to be in vain, then doubt besets us and we ask ourselves in anguish: what is God’s will? We find the answer to this question in the Gospels. For example, in today’s passage we read that Jesus “healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons” (Mk. 1: 34); in another passage from Matthew it says that Jesus “went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people” (Mt. 4:23). Jesus leaves no room for doubt: God whose face he himself revealed is the God of life, who frees us from every evil. The signs of Jesus’ power of love are the healings he performed. However, these cures are not complete in themselves but guide us towards God and make us understand that one’s deepest illness is the absence of God, who is the source of truth and love. Only reconciliation with God can give us true healing, true life, because a life without love and without truth would not be life. The Kingdom of God is precisely the presence of truth and love and thus is healing in the depths of our being. Therefore, Jesus’ preaching and the cures he works form one message of hope and salvation.

Thanks to the action of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ work is extended in the Church’s mission. Through the sacraments it is Christ who communicates his life and love to the multitudes, while he heals and comforts innumerable sick people through the many activities of health-care workers that Christian communities promote with fraternal charity. Thus, they reveal the true face of God, his love. Let us pray for all sick people, especially those who are most seriously ill, and need to depend entirely on the care of others. May each one of them experience, in the solicitude of those who are beside them, the power and love of God and the richness of his saving grace. Mary, health of the sick, pray for us!

May God love and bless you!
Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM

Spiritual Reflection 1/21/2024

How do you view God?

It seems that as we grow older, but not necessarily wiser, our view of God changes.…and maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

A few years ago, I read the following that became a reminder to me of how good it is that our view of God changes and so I share it with you.  It is entitled “The Bike Ride”

At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited Heaven or Hell when I die. He was out there sort of like the President. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I didn’t really know Him.

But later on, when I recognized my God, it seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride; but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that God was in the back helping me pedal. I don’t know just when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since . . . life with God, that is.   God makes life exciting.

When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points. But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places and at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, “Pedal!”

I worried and was anxious and asked, “Where are You taking me?” He laughed and didn’t answer, and I started to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure; and when I’d say, “I’m scared,” He’d lean back and touch my hand. He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance, and joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey; our journey, God’s and mine.

And we were off again. He said, “Give the gifts away. They’re extra baggage, too much weight.” So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light.

I did not trust Him at first, in control of my life. I thought he’d wreck it. But He knew bike secrets, knew how to make it bend to take sharp corners, jump to clear high places filled with rocks, fly to shorten scary passages.

And I’m learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I’m beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion…God.   And when I’m sure I can’t do any more, He just smiles and says, “PEDAL!”

When we allow Him to guide our lives…  what an adventure life will be!

God Bless You,
Father Kennedy

Spiritual Reflection 1/14/2024

Our Responsibility

       The father of John the Baptist, Zechariah, gives a wonderful prayer to God at the birth of his son. There is a part of the Canticle of Zechariah where he addresses his son directly and says these words: “You, my child shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare His way, to give His people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins.” 

John the Baptist did this very thing. He announced the need for repentance because the Kingdom of God was coming. He was preparing the way of the Lord Jesus. He knew from the beginning that it was not himself that we were meant to follow. John the Baptist, as did his followers, also knew that there was a price to be paid if our sins were to truly be forgiven. This is because in the Jewish custom of atonement not only were prayer and fasting required but also a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. A goat or lamb was often used. This is important to remember because of how John identifies Jesus: “Behold the Lamb of God.” When John identified Jesus as such, his followers knew that Jesus was the very way to salvation. Christ is being called by John the very sacrifice needed for our atonement with God. It made perfect sense for Andrew to start following Christ. 

The repentance that John was speaking about comes to completion in Jesus Christ, but the story of our salvation does not end there. Andrew had to let others know who Christ was. So, Andrew finds the person he loves and reveals to him what he has found. He tells Simon, his brother, that he has found the Messiah. Andrew, like John before him, led someone to Jesus. Simon, we all know becomes Peter, who Christ called the rock upon which the Church is built.

That same Church has the responsibility to continue to call all to repent and follow Christ. As members of this same Church, we also are being called to proclaim to all the very truth that we hear in our liturgy every time we participate: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” Out of love for all, we have the responsibility to let others know this revelation. So, when Zechariah calls John the prophet of the Most High, he is really speaking to each one of us.

May Jesus live in our hearts forever. 
Deacon Chris

Spiritual Reflection 1/7/2024

This Sunday, we celebrate the Epiphany. The Holy Family is visited by three wise men from foreign lands. They traveled hundreds of miles to offer gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each gift represents a piece of Christ’s ministry: His kingship, His priesthood, and His death. Like the wise men, we are on a journey to find relationship with God. Where are you on this journey? What gifts are you bringing to lay at the base of Jesus’ manger? All He wants is you – the gift of yourself, the gift of relationship with you.

Recently like the wise men, I began visiting Jesus in the adoration chapel with a friend from the parish which has brought us closer together. Just a few months ago, we were strangers, but a simple invitation to sit in the chapel together has formed a friendship blessed by Christ. In the adoration chapel, we have shared our love for Jesus in the Eucharist, our hurt and struggles, our joy and laughter. We enter the chapel with no end time in mind. Sometimes we are there for 40 mins and other times we end up staying for hours – sitting in silence with Jesus and talking about what we need prayer for and how life has been going. This friendship has brought accountability to my prayer life. We are there for each other on those days when we may not feel like leaving the house or seem to be too busy to fit in visiting Jesus in the Adoration Chapel.

I like to visit the chapel because it is dedicated time that I know will be set aside for prayer. It is more difficult for me to sit in silence at home with a multitude of distractions. I work hard to carve out a consistent prayer life day-to-day, but it is difficult to compete with work, evening meetings, and social events. God, however, is by far the most important thing. As Dan Tarrant, a Catholic speaker, shared at a recent parish event, “If you believe that there’s a God, the biggest thing in your life is Him. Even if you have not let Him into your life yet, the biggest thing is Him… the most important thing that you can do in your life, if there’s a God, is have relationship with Him… Jesus says that if you seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, everything else will be given to you in time… How do you want to live now?”

Where do you place him in your daily list of priorities? In my personal prayer with the Blessed Sacrament, I offer over myself with the full belief that if I do my prayers will be answered. Trusting in that is hard and I am constantly in a battle of fully surrendering that His plan is way better than any I could formulate and try to craft for myself. I do, however, personally struggle a lot with placing him at the top of my list. He is high up there, but something seemingly more pressing ends up at the top of my list on regular occasion. I have noticed looking back at the weeks that I miss sitting with Jesus in the chapel are harder and longer. I slip up more in sin and lose focus on what is most important, what should be placed front and center in my life – especially if I miss multiple weeks in a row. Entering into the beautiful Sacrament of the Eucharist at Mass becomes more difficult because I have not spent time one-on-one with my friend in the Blessed Sacrament – Jesus.

More often than not, I need to listen to the advice I have given my friends — Go sit in the chapel. Have you talked to Him about it yet? I don’t know that I can help you, but I know that he will. — and listen to what God is saying to me in the silence. There I can find the answers I need, the comfort I am seeking, and the peace in all my anxiety. I invite you to visit the chapel and share your joys, worries, and sorrows with Jesus. I invite you to enter into conversation with Him not just by talking about the things you need and want, but by listening to what he wants to share with you, patiently listening for the answers that you seek. He gifted to you His life. Please, gift Him some of your time.

In the Eucharist, the Son of God comes to meet us and desires to become one with us; Eucharistic adoration is simply the natural consequence of the Eucharistic celebration, which is itself the Church’s supreme act of adoration. ~Pope Benedict XVI

Come, Let Us Adore Him!
Eucharistic Adoration in our chapel:
Monday & Wednesday 7 AM – 7 PM
Friday 7 AM – 5 PM

Can you find an hour to sit with Jesus in Adoration? It will be the best appointment of your entire week. If you can sign up for a Holy Hour, please contact Paula Warnalis 215-715-6911.

Spiritual Reflection 12/31/2023

Promises Fulfilled

When was the last time someone promised you something that was never fulfilled? Or how many times have you made promises that you never kept? The Scripture Readings during these days speak to us about promises, but promises that have been fulfilled! Promises that are fulfilled by a faithful God, who is Emmanuel: God-is-with-us! As we celebrate this Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we are invited to thanksgiving but we are also invited to healing and compassion, to look at the past with gentleness, to look into the future with hope and to see the many blessings that life is offering us, even in the midst of difficulties. On this Feast, we are invited to look at the poor family of Nazareth and reach out to the anawim, the poor and the oppressed among us, the refugees and the lonely, for they must be family to us too!

In the first reading from Genesis, God tells Abram: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield” and Abram put his faith in the Lord. Sarah and Abraham had a child. A promise was made and fulfilled and the fulfillment of this promise changed the history of salvation.

In the Gospel today, another couple receives a promise and that promise is also fulfilled. Mary and Joseph bring their child to the Temple for they were obedient and followed the law of Moses: “Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord.” They didn’t have the resources to offer a lamb, so they offered “The sacrifice of a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons, in accordance with the dictate in the law of the Lord.”

The promise made to the righteous and devout Simeon and the prophetess Anna were also fulfilled! Simeon will not see death before he had seen Christ the Lord. He received more than what was promised! Not only did he see the consolation of Israel, not only did he see the Christ, but he took Him into his arms and blessed God. Now he can die in peace, for his eyes saw God’s salvation! A promise was made to Mary: a sword shall pierce her heart and the promise was later fulfilled.

Simeon and Anna received promises that were fulfilled. They were filled with the spirit and were able to see things others couldn’t! They saw salvation, peace, redemption, Christ the Savior! Others didn’t recognize it; others only saw a couple with a child fulfilling a requirement of the law. Mary and Joseph were probably filled with questions but they had God in their hearts and the hope of a promise. They went back home and “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon Him.” Promises fulfilled!

In our own families promises are made. Sometimes they are fulfilled, sometimes they are not. Our families might not be perfect, and probably we have been hurt as we grew up, but we are still called to hope. In the second reading, St. Paul invites the Colossians to put on “Heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another.” These are qualities we all need as followers of Christ and members of our own family and the family of God.

On this great Feast of the Holy Family, we hear the call to “Put on love and let the peace of Christ control our hearts, the peace into which we were also called in one body and be thankful.” May we learn from the God who is our shield and who is always faithful to the promises He has made.

May God love and bless you!
Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM