Spiritual Reflection 8/30/2020

Society versus Discipleship

        Are we fully committed to follow Jesus and to be His disciples? Society says we are to be in charge and in control to be happy; but Jesus says we need to be obedient and follow Him, even along the Way of the Cross. Society says that we need to be rich to be happy; Jesus says that we need to be poor in spirit and detach ourselves from all our possessions. Society says that we are weak and foolish if we surrender our will to God and His Church. Jesus says that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Each of us can look into our hearts and ask ourselves: Do I choose to follow Jesus or the norms of our society or world?

        Jesus made it very clear in this Sunday’s Gospel that there is a cost to discipleship. It requires sacrifice and renunciation and it is not always easy to follow Him and obey his commands. However, following the norms of society may bring superficial happiness for a time but our God is never outdone in generosity. When we do our best to love Him above all else, and to give loving service to our neighbor, He showers us with abundant spiritual gifts and lifts us up to Himself, especially during difficulties and trials. Embracing Christ and his call to discipleship will bring genuine, interior happiness and peace throughout our life and for all eternity.

         The Lord Jesus knows that we are all weak human beings and need a share in His Divine Life of Grace to persevere on the path of discipleship. Prayer or conversation with God and the Sacraments are the main vehicles of God’s Grace available to us. Through Baptism we receive the grace of divine adoption and become a temple of the Holy Spirit. In Confirmation, we are “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” and strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Knowing that we are all sinners, Jesus offers his forgiveness to us in the Sacrament of Penance. With super abundant love, Jesus gifts us with his own Body and Blood in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Do I pray daily, go to Confession periodically, and receive Holy Communion frequently?

The Church knows that for many of us Jesus’ call to discipleship can be daunting. Therefore, she gives us examples of ordinary people living extraordinary lives – The Saints. We can also imitate the lives of faithful discipleship many of us have witnessed firsthand in the lives of our own parents and grandparents. Their faith and trust in God, even in the midst of trials, can be the beacon that lights our way on the path of discipleship.

           If you and I can resolve in our hearts: Yes, I do desire to follow Jesus’ call to discipleship and reject the norms of our society, then our loving Lord will take our hand and walk the path of discipleship with us. His grace will sustain us if we promise to pray daily, go to Confession periodically and receive his Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist frequently. If we are faithful, we can all look forward to the eternal peace and joy of the Heavenly Kingdom.

God bless you always!
Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM

Week of August 30, 2020

SATURDAY August 29, 2020
4:00 PM VIGIL For the Intentions of the Parishioners

SUNDAY August 30, 2020
9:00 AM For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 AM Intentions of the Presider

MONDAY August 31, 2020
8:00 AM  Mary & John Kenney

TUESDAY September 1, 2020
8:00 AM  Anna Sanzona

WEDNESDAY September 2, 2020
8:00 AM Joy Burns

THURSDAY September 3, 2020
8:00 AM Patricia Joyce Gahagan

FRIDAY September 4, 2020
8:00 AM Savilla O’Brien

SATURDAY September 5, 2020
8:00 AM Louis Troisi 15th Anniversary

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the Intentions of Saint David Parishioners.

Harry McGrann Saturday, August 29th @ 4 PM to Friday, August 28th @ 8 AM
Mary & John Kenney Sunday, August 30th @ 9 AM to Monday, August 31st @ 8 AM

If you have previously scheduled masses for 2021, please call the rectory during office hours at 215-657-0252. Thank you. 

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, Theresa McFadden, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.

… all those who are deceased … Patricia Gahagan & Joseph Thompson.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

Spiritual Reflection 8/23/2020

+Dear Parishioners,

The opening prayer for this 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time implores God’s help “amid the uncertainties of this world.” How true these uncertainties are today! But what is certain is that by having God as the center of our lives, seeking to know and do His will, we will one day “find our hearts fixed on that place where true happiness is found.” That place we know is heaven. We recognize that these are troublesome times, especially with the global pandemic and civil unrest, but we cannot allow ourselves to be dragged down by all the negatives. We are followers of Christ and that means we are a people of hope.

In the first reading, Shebna’s authority is taken away from him because he abused his power and used it for his own benefit instead of for the good of others. As adults we must use our God-given authority for the benefit of our families, loved ones, and neighbors. One way to use our authority is to teach our children the love of God by passing on the faith and helping them to experience the love of God through prayer and the sacramental life of the Church.

These are definitely uncertain times, but we need to remind one another that God is our constant; He is ever-faithful, loving, and merciful. It is He who gives us true peace and strengthens us to live a Christ-centered life. Continue to teach and live the faith with your children by praying grace before and after meals and by praying together before bedtime.

In my family of 13, after dinner each night, my Dad would lead us in prayer. During Advent and Lent, we would pray the rosary. We were a rambunctious gang, 11 boys and 2 girls, so we were not always 100% eager to participate in the nightly prayers. If we got distracted, dear Dad would give us one of those very fatherly stares (I think you know the kind I mean) and then we would refocus on our prayers, or at least try to.

It is strengthening to pray as a family. Reading and discussing the readings for Sunday’s Mass is a great preparation for the Liturgy. Children, because of their simplicity, often inspire me with their insights. I am sure you have given it a try in your own family and found that often the children’s understanding of the readings was inspirational and profound. Remember the slogan the Servant of God, Father Patrick Peyton, made popular, “The family that prays together, stays together.”

Below I share with you the family prayer we prayed each evening after dinner. May Saint Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, watch over and guide your family.

In Mary’s Immaculate Heart, I am,
Sister Mary

Week of August 23rd

SATURDAY August 22, 2020
4:00 PM VIGIL For the Intentions of the Parishioners

SUNDAY August 23, 2020
9:00 AM For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 AM Intentions of the Presider

MONDAY August 24, 2020
8:00 AM  Charles M. Grosh, Jr.

TUESDAY August 25, 2020
8:00 AM  Joy Burns

WEDNESDAY August 26, 2020
8:00 AM Steve Irwin

THURSDAY August 27, 2020
8:00 AM Ted Nealis

FRIDAY August 28, 2020
8:00 AM Harry McGrann

SATURDAY August 29, 2020
8:00 AM Marguerite Troisi 17th Anniversary

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the Intentions of Saint David Parishioners.

Charles M. Grosh, Jr. Sunday, Aug. 23rd @ 9 AM — Monday, Aug. 24th @ 8 AM

If you have previously scheduled masses for 2021, please call the rectory during office hours at 215-657-0252. Thank you. 

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, Theresa McFadden, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.

… all those who are deceased … Lorraine Hendricks, Mary Anne Thess & Margaret Lawnton.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

Spiritual Reflection from St. David Parish 8/16/2020

A few years ago there was extensive news coverage on a prediction that the world was going to end.  It seems that someone speculated that since there were no more dates on the Inca or Aztec calendar after a certain date the world must be ending, hence the prediction.  This prediction caused anxiety in a great many people including my children who were young at the time.  They came to me worried that this prediction could be true.  They were very surprised by my answer.  I told them, “I sure hope so.”   “Why Dad would you hope for that?”  I explained to them that with our faith in Jesus we had nothing to worry about.  If it was the end of the world, Jesus was coming to be with us again. Wouldn’t that be great? Maybe not the Father of the Year answer, but so very true.  Our faith in Christ can free us from all fear.  How many times do we hear Jesus Himself say, “Do not be afraid.”  Faith is a powerful tool in our arsenal.  Just last week faith saw Peter walking on water.  It wasn’t until fear took hold of him and, as Jesus says, he lost faith that Peter began to sink.  When we allow the storms of life to overpower us, we sometimes forget to just rely on our faith.  We can do such great things when we allow ourselves to be led by our faith in Christ.  As Jesus says, we could move mountains with faith. 

We sometimes forget that our faith in Christ also allows us to overcome sin.  We all sin but Christ tells us that through Him, even if we feel unworthy of forgiveness, with faith in Him all our sins can be forgiven.  The woman who calls out to Jesus for her child to be cured in today’s Gospel was not even worthy to speak to Jesus in the culture of that time.  That does not stop her from asking Jesus to help her.  In fact, Jesus tells her that her faith in Him is why he grants her wishes for her child to be healed.  It is an action on her part that grants what she wishes.  How many times in our lives do we allow the sins we have committed to bear us down?  We allow sin to sink us.  If we only have faith in Christ, an action on our part, we can put down the burden of sin and allow Christ to forgive us.  It also allows us to forgive ourselves.  Once we put all our faith in Christ, we will be able to waltz sinless and fearless across the surface of the stormy waters of life. 

May Jesus live in our hearts forever. 
Deacon Chris

Week of August 16th

SATURDAY August 15, 2020
4:00 PM VIGIL For the Intentions of the Parishioners

SUNDAY August 16, 2020
9:00 AM For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 AM Intentions of the Presider

MONDAY August 17, 2020
8:00 AM Charles Myrtetus

TUESDAY August 18, 2020
8:00 AM Ted Nealis

WEDNESDAY August 19, 2020
8:00 AM Charles G. Myrtetus

THURSDAY August 20, 2020
8:00 AM Michele Morrison

FRIDAY August 21, 2020
8:00 AM Eleanor Norwacki

SATURDAY August 22, 2020
8:00 AM  John Higgins

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the Intentions of Saint David Parishioners.

Michele Morrison Tuesday, August 11th @ 8 AM — Thursday, August 20th @ 8 AM
Eleanor Norwacki Wednesday, August 12th @ 8 AM — Friday, August 21st @ 8 AM

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, Theresa McFadden, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.

… all those who are deceased … Jean Lombardi.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

Spiritual Reflection from St. David Parish 8/9/2020

When I was younger, I loved to fish. I remember on time as a 5-year-old going fishing with my dad and uncle to Marsh Creek, our usual fishing spot. When we got there, my dad set me up on a ledge above the water which seemed very high for a 5-year-old. He put a worm on the hook and helped me cast out. My dad and uncle took their spots, one on each side of me. As soon as they cast their lines was as soon as I slipped off of the ledge and into the water. I was so scared that I was going to drown. I didn’t know how to swim and started to flap my arms and my legs. There was a little bit of a current and I was moving down the creek a bit.

What felt like eternity in the cold water was probably only 15 seconds. I felt my dad pick me up, look at me with a smile, and say, “Matt just stand up.” I put my legs down and found out that the water only went to my chest! Being afraid is normal, but Fear can be so paralyzing that we are afraid to even stand up when we are asked.

There are so many things we can be scared of right now, but I think what a lot people are scared of the most are that things are just so uncertain in life. We just don’t know exactly what the future will hold for us and, too often, we can allow this to dominate and define our lives. When we allow Fear to be so strong in us, we don’t allow Christ’s peace in our hearts or trust that God loves us.

Jesus reminds all of us today, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” He tells us do not ever be afraid to approach Him no matter what happens in life. He is with us and is ready to pick us up even when we fall and are too scared to get up. He looks us in the eye with a huge smile and says, “Just stand up. I am with you.” As we prepare to approach Jesus once again in the Eucharist, taking those small steps to receive him, do not ever be afraid to know that He is with us no matter what happens in life.

Week of August 9th

SATURDAY August 8, 2020
4:00 PM VIGIL For the Intentions of the Parishioners

SUNDAY August 9, 2020
9:00 AM For those affected by COVID-19
11:30 AM Intentions of the Presider

MONDAY August 10, 2020
8:00 AM Agnes Drobins

TUESDAY August 11, 2020
8:00 AM Michele Morrison

WEDNESDAY August 12, 2020
8:00 AM Eleanor Norwacki

THURSDAY August 13, 2020
8:00 AM Intentions Lisa Buccini & Toni Anne Gammel

FRIDAY August 14, 2020
8:00 AM Intentions of Gordon Keith Wagner

SATURDAY August 15, 2020
8:00 AM  Stella Cox

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the Intentions of Saint David Parishioners.

There are no rescheduled masses for this week.

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Lorraine Hendricks, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, Theresa McFadden, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.

… all those who are deceased.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

Week of August 2nd

SATURDAY August 1, 2020
4:00 PM VIGIL For the Intentions of the Parishioners

SUNDAY August 2, 2020
9:00 AM For those affected by COVID-19
11:30 AM Intentions of the Presider

MONDAY August 3, 2020
8:00 AM  Patrick McDonnell

TUESDAY August 4, 2020
8:00 AM  Patricia A. Jones

WEDNESDAY August 5, 2020
8:00 AM Thomas Dugan

THURSDAY August 6, 2020
8:00 AM  Intentions of Albert Buccini & Family

FRIDAY August 7, 2020
8:00 AM Billy Flounders

SATURDAY August 8, 2020
8:00 AM Holden & Gawronski Families

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the Intentions of Saint David Parishioners. Daily mass is now celebrated at 8 AM with the Sisters of Saint David Convent.

There are no rescheduled masses for this week.

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Anthony Schmidt, Lorraine Hendricks, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.
… all those who are deceased … John Higgins.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

Spiritual Reflection from St. David Parish 8/2/2020


         In this Sunday’s Second Reading, Saint Paul extols the eternal, unfathomable, life-transforming love of God for us in Christ Jesus, our Lord. As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of our present lives, this eternal truth is the source of our trust and confidence in God. No truth will transform our lives more than God’s gracious love for us, in spite of our weaknesses and sins. To the extent that we understand God’s love and live daily with a deep sense of its reality, will we live in victory over temptation and sin and be able to persevere through trials.

        God’s great love for us is not diminished or terminated by our failures, short- comings or sins, because it goes back to God’s choice of us before the foundation of the world. In fact, He loved us so much that He delivered up His own Son for us on the cross. Since God did all of this for us while we were yet sinners, His love for us is not conditioned on our worthiness or our performance. We can’t earn or deserve His love. Rather, it stems from His very nature, “for God is love” (1 John 4: 8).

        However, it is important to remember that a close relationship with God is reciprocal. Our obedience to Christ reflects our love for Him and we will only experience the love of the Father and the Son if we obey Him and strive to do His will. Daily prayer and frequent reception of the Sacraments of the Most Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation are the channels of grace God has given us to grow in union with Him.

        In today’s passage from Romans, the Apostle Paul was soaring to the heights in his contemplation of God’s love. Of all the wonders that we can ever see in this life, nothing surpasses the fact that God loves you and He loves me, loves us with an everlasting and unchanging love, a love which will not finally be satisfied until we are all home in Heaven, conformed to the likeness of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The love of God for us is the basis for our peace and for our joy. Let us take time this week to contemplate God’s love for us!

God love and bless you!
Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM

Spiritual Reflection from St. David Parish 7/26/2020

Weeds and Wheat

                Abby Johnson is a very powerful voice for the Pro-Life movement.  It was not always that way.  She was once a director of a Planned Parenthood.  She help to facilitate many abortions, which ended the lives of many precious children.  Abby was very vocal in the Pro-choice argument and from the bottom of her heart she thought she was doing the right thing for women.  But then something happened.  She experienced a complete change of heart.  She saw the error of her ways and changed her life around.  She is now such a powerful witness to the horrors and evil of abortion and the victimization of the women who fall to the lies of that industry.  God never gave up on her.  She could have been considered as one of the weeds of this world, but she has chosen to be wheat.  If God had decided to just move on, to tear up the entire harvest Abby would not have had the chance to change.

                We hear Jesus say in the Gospels we can see the Father through Him.  The Gospel from last week gives us a glimpse of how the Father thinks through the parable Jesus uses. It may even answer the age old question, “Why does he allow evil in the world?”  The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds may reveal the answer.  I believe He does it because he is holding out on hope that anyone can change.  He is not going to give up on all for the failures of others.  He has sent His Son to tell us He wants us with him.  Through his Son, the failures that bring us closer to being weeds than wheat can be eliminated.  Washed away.  Gone forever.  Our baptism begins this transformation where we die to sin and rise as the very wheat that makes up the Bread of Life.  Through the Sacrament of Penance, we can renew our strength to stay as the creation God made us to be and, through Confirmation, we can tap into the strength to tell others the Good News. It is by spreading this Good News that others may have the opportunity for transformation.  The wheat helping in the transformation of the weeds.

                The transformation of Abby Johnson is not a new phenomenon to God.  His hope in us has shown through the lives of many.  Paul would be a great example.  A persecutor of Christians changed to the Apostle of the Gentiles.  St. Augustine, a virtual playboy, became one of the early Fathers and theologians of the Church.  Many other saints follow this very story.  We can also be a transformation story if we just listen to the words of the origin of all hope, Jesus Christ. 

Deacon Chris Mars

Week of July 26th

Sunday, July 26th 9 AM — For those affected by COVID-19
Sunday, July 26th 11 AM — Intention of the Presider
Monday, July 27th — Edward Duross
Tuesday, July 28th — Mr. & Mrs. Tobin
Wednesday, July 29th — Eileen Delzingaro
Thursday, July 30th — Patricia A. Jones
Friday, July 31st — Helen & Bill McMahon
Saturday, August 1st — John Kenney
VIGIL Saturday, August 1st — Intentions of the Parishioners

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions     
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the intentions of Saint David Parishioners. Daily mass is now celebrated at 8 AM with the Sisters of Saint David Convent.

John Kenny Saturday, August 1st @ 4 PM — 8 AM

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Anthony Schmidt, Lorraine Hendricks, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.
… all those who are deceased … Sean Hawley.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

Spiritual Reflection from St. David Parish 7/19/2020

Dear Parishioners,

How do we sow good seeds in our lives and in the lives of those we love? In the second reading for today, Saint Paul reminds us of the importance of prayer. What is prayer? Simply stated, as we learned from our parents and teachers, “Prayer is speaking and listening to God.” We need not worry about the right words to say; prayers are like a conversation with a very dear loved one. We converse and attentively listen to those closest to us. It is the same with our loving God as Saint Paul tells us, “the One Who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because He intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.”

Therefore, continue to strive to make prayer a priority in your life and in your family’s life. I guarantee you that although all your problems may not be solved, your life will definitely be more peaceful. When we ask in prayer for God’s guidance and for help in doing His will, God, like a loving father, will comfort and strengthen us with His abiding presence for God is love.

In planting the seed of prayer in our lives, the Holy Spirit will aid us in distinguishing those areas in our lives that need to be weeded. Participating in the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation is a highly effective weeding tool. Recall what we sang in today’s responsorial psalm: “Lord, You are good and forgiving.” May God be praised!

Take care and God bless.
Sister Mary

Week of July 19th

Sunday, July 19th 9 AM — For those affected by COVID-19
Sunday, July 19th 11 AM — Intention of the Presider
Monday, July 20th — Katherine Johnson
Tuesday, July 21st — James Rosenbaum
Wednesday, July 22nd — Mary Buccini
Thursday, July 23rd — Anne Waldron
Friday, July 24th — Intention of the Presider
Saturday, July 25th— Dorothy Valenza
VIGIL Saturday, July 25th— Intentions of the Parishioners

Changes to the Daily Mass Intentions     
Mass at St. David is said once daily during this difficult time. We have rescheduled the weekend mass intentions, so that no intentions are missed. Sunday mass will be offered for the intentions of Saint David Parishioners. Daily mass is now celebrated at 8 AM with the Sisters of Saint David Convent.

Dorothy Valenza Sunday, July 26th @ 9 AM Saturday, July 25th @ 8 AM
Eileen Delzingaro Sunday, July 26th @ 11:30 AM Wednesday, July 29th @ 8 AM

Remembering in Our Prayers… 
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Anthony Schmidt, Lorraine Hendricks, Mary Trauger, Helen Jurkiewicz, and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.
… all those who are deceased …
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information

          Please call the office (215-657-0252) or email jmmarlin@stdavidparish.org or mmahon@stdavidparish.org if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from the prayer list. If you are aware of someone who is no longer sick please let us know so that we can ensure that there is room for others in need of prayer. Also, reducing the list allows for those who need prayer to be more apparent.

We welcome all Catholics moving into the Willow Grove, PA area to our Parish community.
Please call the Registration Office at 215-825-8199 to make an appointment to register. You can click this link to download the Parish Registration form in advance of your appointment.

Rectory Hours
Monday thru Thursday: 9 AM to 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM to 3:30 PM

Quick Reference Schedule:
Vigil Mass: Saturday night 4:00 PM.
Sunday Mass: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM (All Sundays are obligatory for the faithful to participate in the Mass)
Daily Weekday Mass: 6:30 AM (Chapel), Saturday morning Mass: 9:00 AM.
Confessions: Saturday (excluding Holy Saturday): 12 Noon to 1:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel): Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM (except National Holidays)
Miraculous Medal Novena: Every Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass

Questions About the Catholic Faith?

Saint David Parish offers year round opportunities for people seeking more information about the Catholic Faith, the Sacraments, and living the Christian life.
These opportunities are for adults who would like to inquire about following Jesus and becoming a member of the Catholic Church, or if you are already a baptized Christian, would like to become a Catholic; or if you are already baptized Catholic and would like to receive Confirmation and Holy Communion.
There are many people like yourself who are inquiring, and we are ready to answer your questions. Please contact Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick in the Religious Education office at

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