Saturday December 26th
St. Stephen
9:00 am † Lorraine Hendricks
4:00 pm Intentions of the Parishioners
Sunday December 27th
The Holy Family
9:00 am For those affected by COVID-19
11:00 am Intentions of the Presider
Monday December 28th
Holy Innocents
9:00 am † Thomas Cox (1st Anniversary)
Tuesday December 29th
St. Thomas Becket
9:00 am † Mary J. Denno
Wednesday December 30th
9:00 am † Lorraine M. Hendricks
Thursday December 31st
St. Sylvester I
9:00 am † Judge Amy Coney Barrett
Friday January 1st
Mary, Mother of God
10:00 am † Joseph Herbert
Saturday January 2nd
Ss. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen
8:00 am † MaryAnne Thess
Remembering in our Prayers…
… all those who are sick … Josephine Gallo, Mary Trauger, Loretta Boyle, Al Messina, Mike Dunn, Edward Pulaski, Margaret DeLucas, James Dehan, Robert Farrell, Nina Ferraro, Robert Farrell and the residents of Garden Springs and the Landings.
… all those who are deceased … Dolores Brown & William Eagan.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.