Dear Parishioners,
How do we sow good seeds in our lives and in the lives of those we love? In the second reading for today, Saint Paul reminds us of the importance of prayer. What is prayer? Simply stated, as we learned from our parents and teachers, “Prayer is speaking and listening to God.” We need not worry about the right words to say; prayers are like a conversation with a very dear loved one. We converse and attentively listen to those closest to us. It is the same with our loving God as Saint Paul tells us, “the One Who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because He intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.”
Therefore, continue to strive to make prayer a priority in your life and in your family’s life. I guarantee you that although all your problems may not be solved, your life will definitely be more peaceful. When we ask in prayer for God’s guidance and for help in doing His will, God, like a loving father, will comfort and strengthen us with His abiding presence for God is love.
In planting the seed of prayer in our lives, the Holy Spirit will aid us in distinguishing those areas in our lives that need to be weeded. Participating in the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation is a highly effective weeding tool. Recall what we sang in today’s responsorial psalm: “Lord, You are good and forgiving.” May God be praised!
Take care and God bless.
Sister Mary