+Dear Parishioners,
On this 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we realize in today’s readings that God wants to be found by us. He is always watching, waiting, and inviting us to come to Him with all of our joys, worries, concerns, and problems; otherwise, why would He have inspired the Prophet Isaiah to write: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near.”
Jesus is within each one of us. He is not going to force Himself upon us, but He does send us invites if we are open to receiving them. How, you may ask? It would be great if Jesus would send us an email, call, or text us, or invite us to a Zoom meeting, or better yet, appear to us in a vision, but of course, these connections are most unlikely. Sometimes though, we can hear His voice through the reading of Scripture, or by listening to an inspiring homily. We may hear His voice through a deep conversation with a friend or family member, or in a song, to name just a few ways God reaches into our lives.
One important way we hear the voice of God is through catechists who instruct adults and children about the teachings of the Catholic faith and prepare them for the sacraments, either through PREP classes, religion class in Catholic School, or through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Program. On this Catechetical Sunday, thank a teacher of the faith for his/her selfless service and dedication.
Our God is a loving, generous, and forgiving God as Isaiah reminds us. He wants to have a personal relationship with each one of us. Therefore, with God’s grace, we “strive to conduct ourselves in a way worthy of the Gospel of Christ.” For we believe that “the Lord is near to all who call upon Him.” We also are aware from today’s Gospel reading of the rich landowner, that Jesus does not measure or judge as we do. Thank God. Instead, Jesus, our generous Savior, reminds us that “the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Wow! Jesus is a God of surprises and one who fills us with hope! May God be praised!!!
P.S. Parishioners, thanks so much for your prayers for Queen of Angels School. The entire school community is thrilled to be back to school either virtually or in-person. Please continue the prayers that everyone will stay healthy and that a cure for COVID-19 will soon be discovered.
In Mary’s Immaculate Heart, I am,
Sister Mary C. Chapman, IHM, Ed.D.