Carry no food, no sack, no money. Through our baptism we are all called to be Jesus’ disciples, and we are asked to spread His Good News with this approach. This approach can be summed up in two words: trust and perseverance. The disciples, besides the clothing on their backs, only carried a walking stick and their sandals. They were told that every need they have along the way will be met, but the need that will be met is by God’s providence, not by their own doing.
The walking stick and sandals symbolize a determination to continue to move forward, to persevere. They must never give up, even when they face opposition, persecution, and the cold. They are asked to move forward step by step by falling in love with Jesus and staying in love with Him. As His disciples, we are asked to do the same…to share our faith by the way we love it and grow in it. There will be unexpected victories when we use this approach, and it will help us to persevere in real disappointments as well.
As we journey together in faith, let us continue to answer this universal call by our God. Let us ask for the grace to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, so that the world can see through our faith God’s love and compassion.