+Dear Saint David Parishioners,
As the school year has ended, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayerful and financial support of Queen of Angels Regional Catholic School. Your belief in Catholic education continues to be an inspiration, and the school community is most grateful. Jesus’ grace and your support is what makes QOA the place to be.
Our theme for the 2021-2022 school year was “dream to be all that God is calling you to be.” At QOA, we teach that following the 10 Commandments is not a choice, but a way that God has given us to live peaceful and productive lives. In addition, living the Beatitudes, praying, participating in the sacraments, and loving one another are all blessings for life. Some may think this may be old-fashioned, but we believe and teach, to the best of our ability, the teachings and traditions of our Catholic faith.
It is our mission, as it is parents’ mission, to create future good and outstanding citizens for this world and to prepare them one day for Heaven. This is the reason why we do what we do, day in and day out, year after year, for the glory of God, to make Him known and loved so that our students can pass on the faith to their children. Let us adhere to Jesus’ exhortation today, “Follow Me!”
May God bless you and your families in a special way this summer and always!
In Mary’s Immaculate Heart, I am,
Sister Mary