+Dear Saint David Parishioners,
Happy Seventh Sunday of Easter! In today’s first reading, we notice that some of the crowd did not want to hear what Saint Stephen had to say. The most likely reason was that Saint Stephen was reproaching them for their lack of faith. Sometimes we too close our ears and hearts to Jesus and decide not to follow His will, thinking we know better. One sign that we know we are doing Jesus’ will is that we experience peace of mind and heart. Conversely, when we are not following His inspiration – anxiety and uncertainty can settle in.
If we have a decision or major event coming up in our lives, we can quiet ourselves and talk to Jesus about the situation and then sit and listen to what He has to say. Unfortunately, we will not receive a text or a post as in the TV show God Friended Me, but He will speak to our hearts if we are willing to listen. As a reminder, good listeners give the person speaking 100% attention. They do not interrupt while the other is talking, and they have an open mind and heart to hear what the speaker has to say.
In Revelation today, John shares what he heard from Jesus, “I will give to each according to his deeds.” On this Memorial Day weekend, we give thanks to God for all the selfless deeds of men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice of their lives so that we may live in peace and freedom in this beautiful country that we call home.
One important deed that Jesus reminds us to practice is that of unity. Oneness and respect for one another are essential if there is to be a peaceful coexistence among people. It seems that we could use more unity in our homes, our neighborhoods, our country, and our world. May we pray together to Mary, Queen of Peace, for greater unity among all. United with Jesus and one another, all things are possible!
Happy summer blessings to all!
In Mary’s Immaculate Heart, I am,
Sister Mary