Spiritual Reflection 3/9/2025

The Holy Grail

There have been many stories and sagas written about the search or quest for the very cup that Jesus used at the Last Supper where he instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The sacrament in which His whole mission and ministry is embodied. It is through the shedding of His blood that salvation for us all takes place. It is through the Eucharist the other six sacraments of our Church find their origin. You can imagine how cherished that very cup would be that held the wine that through Jesus’ words becomes His very blood. The cup that Jesus tells us, “This is my blood, the blood of a new and everlasting covenant shed for you.”  Jesus uses very concise language when he gives us this most precious of gifts. What he doesn’t say is, “This cup holds a symbol of my blood” or “It is almost like my blood”.  What he does say is, “This is my blood.”  Who wouldn’t want that cup?  Even Hollywood knows this cup’s significance and uses its existence to create many movies – my favorite being, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”.

During the very action-packed movie, Indy is looking for the Holy Grail, and at the very end, he finally finds it.  It is guarded by a very old knight, and he is told that if he drinks from the Holy Grail he will find healing and youth.  He will gain eternal life.  Wow, Hollywood almost got it right.  We know as Catholics that eternal life is offered through drinking from this cup but they got one very important thing wrong.  It is not the cup that brings eternal life, it is what was in it. Jesus’ blood.  The same blood that we find on our altar after our priest says those beautiful words of consecration.  The true presence: body, soul, and divinity, is found in that very cup on the altar. The Holy Grail is right there.  It would be any cup that held that precious blood. We are all bigger heroes than Indiana Jones once we come to believe and have faith in the true presence of Christ. We do what Christ tells us and drink from it in memory of him.  Once we drink from that cup our own adventure takes place because not only is eternal life given to us, we now become a vessel that holds the blood of Jesus Christ Himself.  We become a Holy Grail.

The chalice a priest uses is usually very ornate and made of precious metal.  Each priest cherishes and takes care of his chalice -keeping it clean and keeping it in a place of honor when he is not using it.  He loves his Holy Grail.  Each of us as a Holy Grail needs to keep ourselves clean and in places of honor.  There is nothing Christ cherishes more than each of us and He is ready to pour all of Himself into us.  We need to be prepared.  It is this time of Lent when the Church gives us the opportunity each year to repent and prepare ourselves to receive Christ in His fullness.  It is a time to remind ourselves of the true presence of Christ in each of us as we become the very Holy Grail He wants us to be. 

May Jesus live in our hearts forever! 
Deacon Chris