In today’s Gospel, we hear the familiar phrase of God pronouncing, “This is my Beloved Son…” Have we ever stopped to think that God looks at us as “beloved”?
The truth is, we are beloved sons and daughters of God. The devil is going to tell you that you can’t be. He is going to whisper words that are not true. Remember, the devil is a master liar! His “book of plays” is the same, though. We know what he will do. He will take something good and twist it into something negative and shameful.
I remember a good priest friend saying to me, “Remember, God calls you by name. The devil calls you by your sins!” Think back to all the Bible stories we know and love. The calling of Moses, David, Samuel, the Blessed Mother, Peter, Mary Magdalen, Paul, etc., those are just a few! Notice in those stories that the Lord always calls them by name!
If you are hearing other things that are not your name, they are not from the Lord. The devil will work hard to remind you of all the things that you have done wrong. Jesus will echo His Father’s words and call you “Beloved.”
I know that New Year’s Day was almost two weeks ago. For some, it seems silly to make a new year’s resolution. Maybe, this year, you can choose to focus on what Jesus calls you. Take this year to remember who you are and WHOSE you are!
My favorite pope of all time, Pope Saint John Paul II, always reminded the young people, “You are meant for more. You are meant for greatness!” Don’t let the devil call you or claim you to be anything that you are not. Remember, you are a “beloved son or daughter”! Have a blessed week and see you in the pews!