Come join the St. David Parish Religious Education Program!
Contact: Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Director of Religious Education
Religious Education Office: 215-659-4059
Evenings/Weekends: 484-506-1687
2024-2025 PREP Registration Form
2024-2025 PREP Calendar
PREP Classes
Tuesdays – 4:30PM-6PM
Thursdays – 4:30PM-6PM or 6:45PM-8PM
Mission: The Parish Religious Education Program aims to help both children and parents grow in knowledge of their Faith and in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ through word and sacrament. Religious instruction is based on the six tasks of Catechesis: CREED, LITURGY, MORALITY, PRAYER, COMMUNITY, and MISSION. Devotion to Mary, our Mother and our Model, is an integral component of our Faith Formation Program. Like Mary, who was filled with God’s grace, we strive to become living examples of Jesus, her son.
Well-trained Catechists share the teachings of Jesus Christ in such a way that the child comes to know about and believe in God and is transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Sacraments Preparation for Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation is an integral component of the program. At St. David Parish the Sacramental Levels are Level 2 for First Penance & First Eucharist and Level 7 for Confirmation.
To register your child for Religious Education Classes or the Homeschooling option in Levels K, 1, 3, 4, 5, or 6, please complete the Registration Form above and return it, along with the yearly fee (check to St. David Parish or cash) to St. David Parish Attn.: PREP Registration 2023-2024 316 N. Easton Road Willow Grove, PA 19090
Sister Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM
Director of Religious Education