Be merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful.
Luke 6:36
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to practice mercy, forgiveness, and radical love. He urges us to show compassion to others and to bear the image of Christ in all our actions. Humanly speaking this seems impossible, but “with God all things are possible.”
Jesus warns us to avoid judging others because it builds up a barrier to God’s grace. Judging others can be rash and may lead to a lack of compassion and love. When we judge, we often don’t know the whole story and we can hurt others with our assumptions. Jesus teaches us to listen to and help each other instead of judging. Understanding the struggles others are facing will hopefully move us to show compassion, kindness, and support, especially when we don’t fully comprehend another’s situation.
Judging others can create barriers and harm relationships. It separates us and makes it hard to see the good in others. By choosing understanding instead of judgment, we can build stronger, more loving communities. By following Jesus’ example of love and mercy we will judge less and show more compassion. We will help bring more kindness and understanding into the world.
Living in the image of Christ means to embody His values in our daily lives. Jesus shows us how to love others, even those who have hurt us, not an easy task, but one that requires patience and daily prayer and God’s grace to forgive those who have offended us. When we strive to live like Christ, we become a light for others, showing them the path to peace and love.
Jesus exhorts us to love our enemies. We are called to a life of mercy, just like David showed mercy to Saul. Mercy means choosing kindness over revenge. It means forgiving others, even when it is difficult. It means being a Jesus model for others. Forgiveness is something we all need. Holding grudges will prevent us from finding peace. We need to forgive in order to be forgiven.
This Sunday’s scriptures remind us to strive to live out Jesus’ teachings in our daily lives. Let us strive to avoid judgment, and show compassion, kindness, and love. Let us strive to be the image of Christ so that our lives will make a positive impact on those around us. Let us grow in virtue: namely, love, forgiveness and mercy. Let all of us draw closer to the heart of Jesus!