Ego versus the Sprit, which has taken over our hearts?
There is an old metaphor that I think about when I reflect on this. Imagine that we take an orange and squeeze it as hard as we can knowing that when we squeeze it what comes out is orange juice. We know that no matter how many times we squeeze, apple juice will never ever come out of an orange. So, the question is why is it that when we squeeze an orange as hard as we can does orange juice come out? The reason that orange juice, and not apple juice, comes out when we squeeze it is because that’s what’s inside.
Now to extend the metaphor with you and I. What happens to us when we get squeezed in life: Do our egos come out or the Holy Spirit? Do we need to win, be right, keep score, and get even? Or do we forgive, give compassion, and love without costs. I know for myself I would like to say I always allow the Holy Spirit to come out, but I would be lying to everyone here, including myself. Life has a way to squeeze us sometimes. Life squeezes us when someone gossips about us. Sometimes life squeezes by someone’s offensive behavior. Sometimes life squeezes by real injustice that happened to us or a loved one.
When these things happen, when we get squeezed, we have to ask ourselves what comes out of us. Is it anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, fear, anxiety, or stress? Immediately, we may say the reason that it comes out of me is because how he said it or because they did this or that to us or because life is so unfair. But the truth is and the reality is that what comes out of us is what is inside.
St. Augustine, once a sinner who was controlled by his ego and pride, allowed God to convert his heart to be a saint. This came after many years and many prayers by his mom, St. Monica. St. Augustine said that the key to allowing God to do this in him is found in the three greatest virtues: humility, humility, humility. Humility in that we are sinners in need of a Savior. Humility in that only his love and how he works through us will change our sinful behaviors because we cannot change them by ourselves. Humility in knowing that we are sons and daughters of God.
Conversion of heart takes a life time, so it’s about seeing the good work that He is doing in us and in our neighbors despite us not being perfect in life. So again, which has taken over our hearts in life – our egos or the Holy Spirit. Letting go and letting God in our lives is uncomfortable, but it has to be done if we want true life. When we let go of our egos, our own wills, our own agendas, it will feel like a real loss at first. We will feel an emptiness, but if we let him in to those wounds and hurts we will see the Holy Spirit transforming us into Saints